Hello there! If you made it to this page then I sincerely thank you for taking the time to check out my portfolio. My name is Dustin Novacek I am a freelance visual storyteller with a passion for providing a seamless and intuitive interactive experience. I aim to create memorable and interactive experiences through the power of motion design  
I found a love for motion design during my college career. I have been to five different colleges and changed my major a handful of times. I was indecisive about what I wanted to do until one day I signed up for a video production and animation class. That class sparked my love and passion for telling stories visually through motion. I have been teaching myself everything about motion design and video production for the past decade and will continue to learn as long as I live. 
Thank you for taking the time to check out my work. If you want to chat with me about anything feel free to fill out the contact form below. 
Thank you for your inquiry! Be on the lookout for a response soon!
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